Request for Proposals

To install two pedestal-mounted Level 2 dual-port Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations at the Chittenden County courthouse.

The County of Chittenden is requesting proposals from qualified contractors to purchase and install two pedestal-mounted Level 2 dual-port Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations at the Chittenden County Courthouse parking lot at 175 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont.


This bid was awarded to Cummings Electric.

We appreciate the time and effort that goes into crafting a proposal. We will keep all RFP respondents who did not win the bid in mind should we have future work of this nature at the Courthouse.

Deadline: April 15, 2024, 3 PM

BID DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: E-MAIL BIDS. Emailed proposal bids are encouraged and accepted. Bids will be accepted via email submission to the Chittenden County Clerk, at

Bids must consist of a single email with a single, PDF attachment containing all components of the bid. Multiple emails and/or multiple attachments will not be accepted. There is an attachment size limit of 40 MB. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to compress the PDF file containing its bid, if necessary, in order to meet this size limitation.

HAND-DELIVERY OF BIDS. Bid proposals may be hand delivered to the County Clerk’s Office at County of Chittenden, 175 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont, by the above referenced deadline. Hand-delivered proposals must include one hardcopy and one digital PDF.

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (submitted by April 1, 2024)

  1. Approximate location of chargers in parking lot, assuming parking lot to the south of the courthouse.

    The chargers will be situated on the two parking bump-outs in the portion of the parking lot closest to the back of the building. The attached photo circles their desired location.

  2. Expected location of conduit entrance into building?  Is there an accessible basement in the building?

    The conduit entrance will be through one of the existing basement window wells. The basement is accessible.

  3. Approximate location of electrical panels for charger power?

    The electric panels for this project are located in the basement of the courthouse, near the back center wall.

  4. Approximate location of data closet if network communication is needed?

    More information on the soon.

  5. What type of electrical panels/equipment are in the courthouse, i.e. Eaton, Square D, ext.

    We have attached a photograph of the electric panel the charging stations will be connected to.

  6. Is it possible to set up a walk thru time with a representative of the courthouse and Standard Electric for verification of electrical systems?  Some of the questions above could be answered in a walk through onsite.

    We intend to schedule a walk through once the RFP has closed.

  • Cost to purchase two ChargePoint CT4000 (or comparable model) dual-port charging stations including sales tax, shipping, and delivery.

    Costs for all City of Burlington and any other required permits.

    Cost for installation including trenching, conduit, wiring, concrete pads and installation (with steel poles and sleeves), and cost for seeding and mulching disrupted ground.

    Cost for EV charging station software activation, 5-year cloud software plan, and 5-year warranty.

    Bidders should identify all proposed subcontractors and their full roles that may be involved completing the Scope of Work. No work shall be subcontracted without knowledge of and approval by the County.

    All pricing must be fixed cost, inclusive of all expenses and fees.

  • Any vendor requiring clarification of any section of this RFP or wishing to comment or take exception to any requirements of the RFP must submit specific questions in writing to the Chittenden County Clerk, at

    no later than April 1, 2024 at 3:00PM. All questions should include “EV Charging Stations” in the subject line. Any comments, questions, or exceptions not raised in writing on or before the last day of the question period are waived. At the close of the question period a copy of all questions or comments, responses will be posted on this page.

    Every effort will be made to post this information as soon as possible after the question period ends,

    contingent on the number and complexity of the questions.

  • The two Assistant Judges will evaluate proposals based on determination of the most qualified firm or individual that best meets the needs and interest of the County, which may or may not be the lowest bid. Consideration will be given to experience with EV charging station installation and maintenance, bidder integrity, compliance with public policy, record of past performance, availability, and financial and technical resources.

    Not all firms/individuals submitting responses may be interviewed. The County reserves the right in its sole discretion to request any additional information that might be deemed necessary after reviewing submitted proposals. The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids if it is in the best interest of the County to do so. The County reserves the right to negotiate terms as needed to obtain the most advantageous rates. The County shall not be responsible for any costs by the firm, individual in preparing, submitting, or presenting its response to the RFP. All responses will be treated as confidential, unless otherwise directed by law.

  • General Conditions for Construction Contracts. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to thoroughly read and comply with all instructions and requirements of this bid solicitation.

    1. Bidders are advised that 10% of the cost of the approved scope of work will be retained by the County as a surety. It will be paid upon final completion of all work detailed in the Contract Documents, approval by the County, and any needed approvals of municipal/state

    inspectors (including, but not limited to the closing of any applicable active permits which may be required) as necessary. The County’s payment terms are net 30 days.

    2. The County of Chittenden requires contractors to agree to the State of Vermont’s Standard State Provisions for Grants and Contracts (“Attachment C”).

    3. For this federally-funded project, the County requires that all contractors meet minimum insurance specifications , as outlined by the State of Vermont.

    4. This project is being funded using federal monies from the US Department of Energy and Davis-Bacon Act compliance is required. Wages shall be paid using rates no less than those established under the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates. More information is available at: .

    5. Contractors must take affirmative steps that include at least the following Socioeconomic affirmative steps per 2 C.F.R. § 200.321:

    Placing qualified small and minority businesses and women’s business enterprises on solicitation lists;

    Assuring that small and minority businesses and women’s business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources;

    Dividing total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small and minority businesses, and women’s business enterprises;

    Establishing delivery schedules, where the requirement permits, which encourage participation by small and minority businesses, and women’s business enterprises;

    Using the services and assistance, as appropriate, of such organizations as the Small Business Administration and the Minority Business Development Agency of the Department of Commerce; and

    Requiring the prime/general contractor, if subcontracts are to be let, to take the same affirmative steps as listed above.

    If a bidder requires assistance in preparing their proposal, the bidder may contact the APEX Accelerator. The Vermont APEX specializes in helping small businesses navigate the documentation associated with State and Federal procurement. There is no cost to the Contractor for assistance provided by APEX Accelerator. Their website is: